1973 -1999
Wins Cine Golden Eagle Award for "Demuestra tu cariño: ¡vacuna a tu bebé!" immunization video. Releases "State of Hispanic Girls" report showing that immigrant Hispanic girls do better than their U.S.-born peers. Establishes Vacunas para la familia: Immunization for All Ages initiative. Launches the Moving Forward: CHIP for Hispanic Children network.
Launches The National Hispanic Colorectal Cancer Outreach and Education Project (NHCCOEP). Releases "La tardeada Migrant Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness" education video and kit.
Publishes ¡SALUD! A Latina's Guide to Total Health — Body, Mind, and Spirit book in Spanish (HarperLibros) and English (HarperPerennial) editions. Expands work on youth theatre with programs on HIV prevention with youth.
Begins work on Healthy People 2010 policy brief. Releases Salud para todas, a breast and cervical cancer resource kit in collaboration with the American Cancer Society. Expands its Radon Helpline and establishes Aire Limpio Para Su Familia (ALFA) indoor air quality helpline. Establishes HIV/AIDS Quick Response initiative that trains hundreds of Hispanic health providers on clinical issues and protease inhibitors.
Launches Nuestras voces, a national Hispanic leadership network for tobacco control supporting youth advocacy and leadership. Launches Unidos por la salud, a research and education collaborative with the National Cancer Institute and five comprehensive cancer centers. Establishes National Hispanic Women’s Health Initiative education and leadership effort. Proyecto Informar Training and Technical Assistance Network conducts its first set of national trainings.
Establishes bilingual National Hispanic Prenatal Helpline (1-800-504-7081). Publishes Para vivir bien resource kit in collaboration with the Food and Drug Administration to promote healthy food choices.
Establishes National Hispanic Traffic Safety campaign. Initiates Vacunas desde la cuna immunization network. Establishes the bilingual Immunization Helpline and the National Indoor Air Quality Helpline (1-800-SALUD-12). Distributes over 4,500 child safety car seats.
Launches Proyecto HEAL (Health, Empowerment, and Access for Life). Launches Growing Up Hispanic® network of policy centers. Convenes first 21st Century Community Agenda leadership meetings on health reform. Publishes first edition of Hispanic Health Needs Assessment: A Community Guide for Documenting Health Status and Establishing Priorities.
Publishes HIV/AIDS: The Impact on Hispanics policy brief. Publishes "Hispanic Sexual Behavior Implications for Research and HIV/AIDS Prevention." Creates Hispanic Health Link, first IT online computer system for Hispanic community groups. Purchases permanent national headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Wins Cine Golden Eagle Award for "Demuestra tu cariño: ¡vacuna a tu bebé!" immunization video. Releases "State of Hispanic Girls" report showing that immigrant Hispanic girls do better than their U.S.-born peers. Establishes Vacunas para la familia: Immunization for All Ages initiative. Launches the Moving Forward: CHIP for Hispanic Children network.
Begins Hispanic Health Leadership Program, a joint effort with Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. Starts first national HIV/AIDS Helpline and produces Hispanic Women and AIDS curriculum taking a leadership role in prevention work on women and AIDS.
Launches environmental protection efforts in Hispanic communities. Begins work on Healthy People 2000 policy briefs. Takes the lead with CDC on HIV work with out-of-school youth in 8 local communities in U.S. and Puerto Rico. Produces "Each One, Teach One AIDS" prevention video.
Creates Diabetes Risk Reduction Project. First Teatro (theatre) projects with youth. First HIV/AIDS funding from the Centers for Disease Control. Launches Be Smart, Don’t Start national campaign to prevent alcohol use. Successfully advocates for use of Hispanic identifier on national model death certificate.
Funds Hispanic Health Research Consortium to coordinate university research. Changes name to National Coalition of Hispanic Health and Human Services Organizations (COSSMHO).
Begins work on cultural proficiency and produces Delivering Preventive Health Care to Hispanics, First Edition training manual, resulting in Proyecto Informar Training and Technical Assistance Network (PITTAN®), a network that has trained thousands on cultural proficiency.
Develops Strengthening Families®, a training program that becomes a national standard in the field. Establishes Proyecto Esperanza (Project Hope), an initiative to prevent child abuse.
Holds the first national Hispanic meeting on HIV/AIDS.
Coordinates the U.S.-Mexico Border Symposium on Mental Health, Alcohol, and Drug Abuse.
Begins ongoing involvement in Healthy People Health Objectives for the Nation initiative.
Conducts career development and leadership training activities for nearly 7,000 Hispanic youth in 15 cities.
Launches joint program with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on health fraud.
Convenes National Hispanic Conference on Families, establishing families as a priority area that continues today.
Forms National Hispanic Committee to advise President's Commission on Mental Health.
Convenes first National Hispanic Conference on Health and Human Services.
Changes name to The National Coalition of Hispanic Mental Health and Human Services Organizations (COSSMHO).
Establishes national office in Washington, D.C.
Founded in Los Angeles as the Coalition of Spanish Speaking Mental Health Organizations (COSSMHO)