Senate should heed call of Senator McCain for bipartisanship and regular order

Washington, DC – “What we know is that the current House and Senate Republican health care bills strip away health insurance for at least 16 million people. That must be unacceptable to everybody,” said Jane L. Delgado, PhD, MS, President and CEO of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health, the nation’s leading Hispanic health advocacy group. “The Senate would do well to heed Senator McCain’s moving pleas to his colleagues in the Senate Chamber today for bipartisanship and a return to regular order. The time has come for new legislation produced through the committee process with input and debate from both sides of the aisle. The American people deserve bipartisan legislation that will deliver on the promise of insurance for everybody.” “The Alliance will continue to fight for the priorities we have been advocating from day one of the 115th Congress. We need legislation that will (1) ensure access for people with pre-existing conditions instead of enacting barriers to access; (2) roll back proposed Medicaid cuts and allow for rates of growth that reflect the reality of an aging population; and, (3) strengthen and expand the network of community health centers that have a proven capacity to deliver quality services. The American people have been clear. They want a health care system that they can afford and that delivers quality care they can count on.” “The one thing that everybody agrees on is that our system is not perfect, so it is time to start working in a bipartisan fashion and serve the interests of the nation. The American people deserve nothing less from their elected representatives,” concluded Dr. Delgado.
About the National Alliance for Hispanic Health (The Alliance) The Alliance is the nation's foremost science-based source of information and trusted advocate for the best health outcomes for all. For more information, visit: or call the Alliance's Su Familia National Hispanic Family Health Helpline at 1-866-783-2645.